We offer a lot of effective communication tips on this site. Today, we thought we’d focus in on just a few of the very best.

Effective Communication Tip #1: Pay Attention to Your “Non-Verbals”

We harp on this point a lot on this website and there is a reason that it is the first of our effective communication tips that we wanted to reiterate. That is because it’s so important. By far the majority of communication is non-verbal. What you wear, how you stand, the gestures you make, whether and how you touch others – these things speak volumes. Just think of how differently the same phrase can come across when whispered vs. yelled or spoken by a man in a suit vs. a man in a ski mask.

Always be conscious of the messages you’re sending with your “non-verbals” or the words you say may be overridden by contradictory messages from the rest of your communications. continue reading »

When discussing communication skills, someone once asked “What are character traits?”

This person had heard this term spoken about a lot, but wasn’t clear on what it meant or why it was important when communicating.

First of all, what are character traits? They are qualities that a person or other being, whether real or fictional, embodies. continue reading »

There are a few things that are involved in devising all effective communication strategies. Whether you want to assess your current strategy or create new strategies for different situations, these principles will help. continue reading »